Deepak is on Dateline tonight with some other
panelist talking about
whether or not Satan is real...interesting topic.
There are times when I'd like to place that label on a person..."She's possessed by the devil", when in reality she may be surrounded by darkness, madness, mental illness, poor judgement, living in lies, self pity,
loneliness, negativity, poor choices and what ever else afflicts her. Are all these things lumped into the
Category of Satan? The truth is that they have been since the beginning of time. We had no way of explaining this unless it was the "Devil". As we learn and grow we find more about the human mind, the human experience, we peel back the layers and we see it is so much more complex that a person named "Satan".
We as humans want to take things so literally sometimes. God created all things both spiritually and
temporally. We must remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around.
There is the figurative and the literal. There is light and there is darkness, there is positive and there is negative. There is good and there is evil. There is opposition in all things until we return to love, return to the tree of life, the pure love of God. So many ways to say it...
Nirvana, Heaven, etc.
It's my prayer today that I might live by the fruit of the tree of life.